Best Video Format for QLab users
QLab’s official recommendation for best video format is… ProRes 422 Proxy?
How the hell do I convert to that?!
While QLab can handle just about any video file you can throw at it, I am always trying to keep QLab as lean as possible. The more resources I protect the more I’ll have at my disposal. Using videos without extra processing power to play and output helps a lot in this endeavor. QLab’s #1 recommended format is ProRes 422 proxy. I wanted to use the best possible format so my search began for the best way to convert all my show video files. I finally got a piece of software called MacX Video Converter that was robust and free (for clips under 5 mins) I thought I would share it with my Media Monkey customers. If you like this article please share it on Social Media.
After installing the software do these 2 steps.
Step 1: Open up the ProRes video converter, click Video icon and hit "+ Video" button to load ProRes video files.
Step 2: Choose ProRes as the output format. Go to Target Formats > Apple Device > to ProRes Video to choose ProRes 422 Proxy.

As you can see under the info of this video clip’s properties. I have indeed created the #1 recommended video format for QLab. This program MacX does batch conversion so you can get all your show videos converted in a snap.
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